Thursday 3 October 2013

History Of Animation

History Of Animation

George Melies

George Melies was a french illusionist and filmaker who accidentally discovered a substitution stop trick in 1896 when he was filming a traffic scene with a omnibus but the camera jammed and when it started again he started it again and filmed the was a herse in the scene so it looked like the bus had transformed into a herse. There are just over 200 films left out of 400 because most of them were melted down to silver for bullets and the plastic for shoe heels in WW1. For his own films he made his own sets and sometimes starred in is own films.

One of his famous animations was called Voyage to the moon

Winsor McCay 

Winsor McCay was a famous american cartoonist and a animator. His famous work was his comic strip Little Nemo and his animated film Gertie The Dinosaur. For his animations he used giant sheets of paper to draw on and hand colou each of his drawings. Also in his animations he made his cartoons be able to stretch and distort because he had such an imagination.

Lotte Reiniger

Lotte Reiniger was a german silhouette animator who used black paper which was cut out. She also cut out separate parts for arms and legs to make them look like they are moving. One of her famous pieces was Prince Achmed.

Walt Disney 

Walt Disney made Steamboat Willie in 1928 which was the first to use sound which paved a way to do new styles of animation.

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